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Contact us

Graphic of a telephone handset

Adviceline Mon-Fri 9.30am – 4.30pm

0808 278 7841 (freephone)

Text relay: 03444 111 445

Money/debt advice

0151 318 6407 (24 hours) – leave a message with our Money Advice Team please include your name and telephone number and we will call you back in office hours (9am-5pm Mon-Fri).

Graphic of an envelope

Bootle Advice Centre

297 Knowsley Road, L20 5DF (opposite May Logan Health Centre and North Park, next to the Ambulance Station)

Open 10am-2pm Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday (pre-booked appointments only on Tuesday)

Map to Bootle Advice Centre

Southport Advice Centre

23 Prince Street, Southport. PR8 1EG (behind Southport Market and opposite Grace Church).

Open 10am-2pm Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday (pre-booked appointments only on Thursday)

Map of Citizens Advice Sefton Southport Advice Centre

Graphic of a computer mouse

email us

Please note we do not provide advice or requests for appointments by email – for advice please use our telephone adviceline number above or visit one of our advice centres. If we cannot resolve your issues at the time of your first telephone call, we will make an appointment with you for further telephone or face to face support.

We welcome any comments about our service, if you have a complaint please see our complaints leaflet below. You can use the contact form below to send us a compliment or complaint